A credit card can be one of the most powerful financial tools that you carry in your pocket. Not only is it something that you would use when making payments without cash, but they also offer numerous benefits besides providing easy payment options for various purchases.

Before you apply for credit card, it is important to find out all the facts about the deal and its pros and cons.

This article will give you an idea of why you should apply for a credit card and what are some of the benefits that might not be so obvious at first glance.

Price Protection

One of the best benefits that you get is the Price Protection Plan. This ensures that you get your money back if the price drops on an item that you buy using your credit card. If this happens, then you simply need to contact the customer care service. They will apply for a refund for the difference in prices to be given to you either in the form of cash or in your credit card statement.

Return Guarantee

All credit card companies have a return guarantee policy, which ensures you get your money back for unwanted items. You can apply for a refund of the amount if you are not satisfied with the product or service that you bought using your credit card.

Access to Special Events and Concerts

There are credit cards that make special arrangements for concerts and events wherein you can get exclusive access to these venues. You can apply for a card if you want to be part of the fan zone, as this has cashless entry options, which makes it convenient during shows where everyone is munching on hotdogs and slurping sodas.

Fuel Benefits

You can also apply for fuel benefits if you apply for a specific credit card. This would give you the privilege of getting discounts at petrol pumps in your city or any other place where there are arrangements with companies that offer this plan.

Travel Benefits

It would be great if you apply for a travel credit card, which can give you different benefits when traveling. You get to enjoy the best deals in hotel and flight bookings, as well as car rentals, which offer discounts on your trip. You can apply for a card that is associated with major airlines or hotel company loyalty programs and other such networks so that you get the best deals when you apply.

Avoid carrying cash anywhere

Thanks to credit cards, you don’t have to carry cash anymore. Some banks offer higher upper limits for credit cards, and you can pay for the amount in small EMI stages. To learn more about the EMI amount you have to pay, Credit Card EMI Calculator is the option for you to consider.


Even when there are promotions and offers, you should apply for a credit card only if it would give you the best deal. It is important that the benefits are versatile enough to be useful for different purchases. The interest rates are also another determining factor when applying for a credit card. You can apply for one with a low or no interest rate so that you do not end up paying too much in interest charges. It is important that you apply for a credit card only when you are sure of your spending limit and you can manage these without missing payments or ending up with high penalties.